Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So You Think You Dance Season 9 Premier : The Recap

 So You Think You Dance Season 9 Premier : The Recap

Exciting, Dynamic and Touching are just a few words to describe the first episode of  So You Think You Can Dance Season 9 which premiered Thursday, May 24th. This episode featured the New York and Dallas auditions. There were many talented dancers that got a golden ticket straight to the next round in Las Vegas and there were plenty that needed to rethink there career goals. But, there were a few stand out auditions that wowed, shocked and even made me shed tear. 

The first was Shafeek Westbrook from Philly. A Breaker, Popper and self described Flipper he auditioned in New York and WOWED the judges with amazing flips and power moves. He "moved like silk" as one judge described. His audition was captivating. He represented his city to the fullest and I can't wait to see what he does in Vegas.

Bree Hafen is a mother of two adorable children and a beautiful dancer. She credits being a Wife and Mother for giving her the confidence to audition in Dallas. With her two little ones watching she danced her heart out and sealed her place in the next round. In the most adorable moment on the show her two year daughter takes the stage, dancing with control and grace, bringing the audience to there feet.

The most touching audition was from Jarell Rochelle (Yes, it rhymes) His goal is to dance his best for his mother before goes blind due to a disease that is slowly taking away her sight. He danced with such beauty and spirit. He deeply moved the audience and judges. His Mother shed tears of joy as she handed her son his ticket to Vegas.

Those were a few of my favorite auditions. What did you think for the first episode of SYTYCD Season 9? What were your favorite auditions?

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun tweeting along with you last week! I was particularly moved by the autistic man's audition, mostly because of the genuine encouragement Lil C, Mary, and Nigel offered. It would be so easy for them to dismiss him or make him the butt of a joke, but they are aware of who's up on that stage just to be on TV (which makes me mad that they allowed Von to get airtime) and who is there because of true passion.

    I was also very surprised at the Exorcist man's audition. I thought they were setting him up to be a joke/"bad" dancer, but there really was something chilling and striking about his movement. It was almost as though he was doing energy work while dancing. I don't think he'll advance past Vegas, but it was nice to be surprised at someone I originally doubted.
